When I thought about starting a style blog I was a bit daunted. I knew I wanted to share fun ideas and push myself to break the "style rules" and enjoy fashion. I also knew that I could not do it without my best friend Shea. She is such an exceptional, stylish and fabulous person that she needed to be a part of it. So I asked her to do this fashion blog with me. When she started posting the blog was quite boring and had very little style to it. Shea has really added her eye for design and quest for perfection. Our blog received a stylish blogger award the other day. I have to say that I was quite delighted and surprised. I know that much of the style of the blog itself that most people appreciate has come from the design updates and tweaks that Shea had made to it. So Shea-Babe...thank you for making this blog so lovely. This is for you lady ;)
SO excited and thankful to receive the Stylish Blogger Award from Áine Tierney who writes about her life and all her adventures on her creative blog. Thanks so much honey! X x x

1. Link to the person/persons who bestowed me with this lovely award. Thank you sweetie! A great blogger friend and fellow dress fanatic. Follow her for a bit of "craic"!
2. Tell you seven things about myself... We split this one up between us!
3. Pass the award to three other people...rule breaking again...we're giving it to four fellow bloggers!
Four Things About Shea:
1. I travelled to Denver, CO with three friends to see Tegan & Sara in concert (before they were big so it was a tiny venue and we met them...they are super sweet!) and as the 'navigator' lead our car 3 hours in the WRONG direction...definitely a Dumb & Dumber moment!! We made it in time for the show but just barely! Oops..now I own a Sat Nav ;)
2. I LOVE coffee. Like seriously. Addicted. My favourite is a White Chocolate Mocha from Gloria Jeans. Perfect every time!
3. I have 5 tattoos and have my next one in mind...
4. I don't like cooking but I quite enjoy baking and if I could get away with it I think I would eat cake everyday! My favourite is from a cafe in Killarney called Sceal Eile... Best. Tiramisu. Cake. EVER.
Three Things About Angela:
And the Award Goes To...
1. Love, Ramsey
2. Kansas Couture
3. A Day in the Life Too...
4. Statements in Fashion
5. I love tea with honey. I have a sore throat today so I really appreciate the soothing flavours from it at the moment.
6. I feel short and stumpy when I don't wear heels. I never embraced the ballerina flat trend and hardly ever wear them.
7. My New Year's resolution was to find peace. It's probably something I should be constantly working towards but I love getting involved in activities. I'm working on limiting my involvement in organizations so that I can find peace and better enjoy our world. I'm also learning about photography to capture images of nature and the world I adore!
And the Award Goes To...
This was a reeeaaaallllyyyy tough decision to make. There are SO many excellent blogs that we both enjoy reading. We've chosen to nominate fellow re-mixers for this award as a congrats for taking on the challenge and sharing their lovely outfits & journeys with us! We can't wait to see the rest of your wardrobe :D
1. Love, Ramsey
2. Kansas Couture
3. A Day in the Life Too...
4. Statements in Fashion
p.s. A massive thanks to Angela for letting me be a part of this experience with her and for giving me the credit for this award! Love you so much! Xx x
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