Sydney from The Daybook hosts Awkward & Awesome Thursdays. It's a great blog that you should definitely check out.

1. Having my hair blow in my face while trying to take pictures!
2. Having to tell clients that I need to look into the law on an issue. I hope someday I am able to do that less often.
3. Family arguments. Drama is so lame!
4. Spring allergies. I am not a fan of being woken up at 3:30 a.m. by a runny nose.
1. The weekend! Joshy and I are traveling to the exciting Omaha, Nebraska for the Annual Shareholder Meeting of Berkshire Hathaway. Hopefully we will learn some of the genius of Warren Buffet and be able to invest wisely. Also, we should get some awesome DQ Blizzards! Berkshire has booths for each of the businesses that they own some part of.
2. Sweet mother-in-laws. Joshy's parents came to town last weekend for Easter. I am still eating the amazing food that she made for us.
3. Spring! I love the sunshine and warmth. Being able to enjoy my backyard patio is fab.
Today I'm wearing a black Express blazer with an abstract print dress from Dillard's. It's still a bit chilly here so I wore some black Talbot's tights and black Nine West pumps. I just got some new accessories from Shea's etsy shop! I love the jolly rancher bracelet and clear glass earrings with specs of color!
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